Prior Art Search Workshop 

February 24, 2021 | TTBDO

In line with the mandate of the University to promote dissemination and application of knowledge and technology for public utilization, TTBDO is organizing a Prior Art Search Workshop. The main objective of this event is to capacitate our faculty and researchers in conducting prior art search which could aid the University in generating ideas and innovation for research and development, avoiding duplication of research, assessing intellectual property (IP) protection potential, preventing infringement, and more.

We are hoping that through this workshop, we may be able to promote the importance of novelty, inventiveness, and industrial applicability in research and development by training the University faculty and researchers on how to conduct an effective prior art search. This may result in the development of more patentable research outputs and inventions which may, ultimately, lead to a significant positive societal and economic impact on the country.

With this, we are inviting the faculty and researchers, including project leaders, research assistants and project staff, to join and participate in our Prior Art Search Workshop on 24 February 2021, Wednesday, 1:00 PM-5:00 PM via Zoom. We would like to request interested participants to register on the following link on or before 22 February 2021, Monday

Registration Link - CLOSED

Access to the online workshop will be sent to those registered.

Furthermore, since there will be a prior art search exercise, please prepare your own technology or research study/output to use during the workshop.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.