The University of the Philippines Mindanao Technology Transfer and Business Development Office was created based on three mandates: 

(1) UP Charter (RA 9500), which mandates the University to serve as a research university in various fields of expertise and specialization by conducting basic and applied research and development, promoting research in various colleges and universities, and contributing to the dissemination and application of knowledge; 

(2) Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009 (RA 10055), which gives the University the right and responsibility to identify, protect and manage its IPs generated from Research and Development funded by Government Funding Agencies (GFA); and 

(3) UP Strategic Plan (2011-2017), which mandated UP Campuses to establish their own technology transfer and business development offices. Through these mandates and policies, in April 2015, UP Mindanao Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) was officially created under the Office of the Chancellor during the SBC Executive Committee Meeting. With that, the main function of TTBDO is to manage the intellectual properties of the University of the Philippines Mindanao for intellectual property rights protection and commercialization. It also seeks partnerships from government agencies, private industries, and other entities for further development as well as public utilization of the technologies and other works created by the University. In addition, the office disseminates knowledge and awareness about intellectual property rights (IPR) and IPR protection as well as encourages a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in the University.


To be a leading technology transfer office committed to fostering innovations and strengthening linkages with industries and communities towards impactful development in Mindanao 


To support innovations with procative intellectual property management and build effective linkages to make solutions with social and economic impacts widely available to society