What does TTBDO do?

UP Mindanao Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) manages the intellectual properties of the University for intellectual property rights protection and commercialization. Specifically, the office assists on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection and commercialization/ business development of UP Mindanao technologies/ research outputs, provides consultancy through our pool of experts, disseminates and promotes knowledge and information about innovation, technologies, and entrepreneurship, and monitors and serves as a support arm to our special projects.

What is technology transfer?

Technology transfer is the process by which the University transfers the invention and knowledge, such as a product, process or system, to another individual, agency, or company. This process may involve the transfer, assignment or licensing of IPRs.

What is Intellectual Property?

The World Intellectual Property Organization defines intellectual property (IP) as anything that is created by the mind. This includes inventions, literary and artistic works, designs and symbols, and names and images that are used in commerce.

How can I protect my IP Rights?

You can protect your IPRs by filing and applying your IPs for protection to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) which is the government agency mandated to strengthen the protection of the Ps in the country.

Why should I disclose and protect my research/ IPs?

You would want to disclose your IPs to TTBDO so that the office can assist you for your IP’s protection and commercialization. IPs are the basis of the value of a business and drives commercial success so, you would want to protect your IPR so that others could not copy and use your IP without your approval.

What do I do if I want to avail the services of TTBDO?

You can fill up and submit the disclosure forms or request forms found in the RESOURCES (link will redirect to RESOURCES page) page to avail for TTBDO services. You may also contact us for more inquiries and other requests/concerns. Our contact information can be found in the CONTACT US (link will redirect to CONTACT US page) page.

Does TTBDO offer trainings?

Yes, TTBDO offers several trainings and seminars involving IPs, IPRs, and technology transfer matters. If you want to request and suggest for trainings or consultancy, please do REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL ADVICE/ ASSISTANCE or CONTACT US

How long does IPR Protection take?

The process of application for IP protection depends on the type of IP you are filing. According to IPOPHL, the average processing time for patent applications is 3.9 years, while 7.5 months for utility model applications. Industrial design applications take about 5.8 months, and trademarks take about 2.6 months.