UP Mindanao Technology Business Incubator (TBI): UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGrADE)

TBI Manager: Miguel S. Guillermo | Funding Agency: DOST-PCIEERD

The UP Growing and Developing Enterprises (UPGrADE) is UP Mindanao’s Technology Business Incubator (TBI), center for innovation, tech-entrepreneurs and start-ups. It aims to incubate the growth of technology from ideation to commercialization and grow sustainable businesses contributing to the socio-economic development of Mindanao.  

UPGrADE offers a number of incubation programs for ICT products on sustainable Food Systems, Food Products and other industries such as Bio-economy, Smart Industries, Green Economy, among others. It will provide support facilities and services for technology improvement and business development to start-up companies, early stage entrepreneurs, UP Mindanao constituents and MSMEs. 

These services include conduct of bootcamps, mentorship/ IP training, business model and plan making, support networking with government agencies and NGOs, forging of agreements with industry partners, financing institutions, and as well as providing support on Intellectual Property rights generation, commercialization and industrialization for sustainability. Constituents from UP Mindanao and outside the University are encouraged to apply for technology business incubation. 

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