Program Awarding Ceremony for Prof. Novie Alviola for the ""Anti-browning

treatment on banana flour"

May 7, 2021 | Via Zoom 

The UP System-TTBDO has accepted Prof. Juma Novie Alviola's Banana Flour Anti-browning Treatment for their Invention Disclosure Incentive (IDI) Program. IDI stands for Invention Disclosure Incentive (IDI), an incentive program to encourage University of the Philippines (UP) faculty members and researchers to innovate, engage in technology transfer processes, and make the biggest possible impact with their R&D. The IDI was implemented in 2015 when the UP Board of Regents approved the program during its 1305th Meeting held on January 29, 2015.

The UP System Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (UPS-TTBDO) hosted the IDI award program since the implementation of the IDI guidelines. One of the mandates is to supervise the disclosures of all works created and inventions conceived or first reduced to practice by all university personnel.