Industry Partnership with Philippine Agro-Industrial Corporation

Sept 4, 2023 | TTBDO

Philippine Agro-Industrial Corporation, one of the largest manufacturers of Cassava Starch, reached out to the UPMin Technology Transfer and Business Development Office for a potential industry partnership.

Last June 2023, The Phil-Agro, represented by Mr.Alvin Ang, inquired about the development status of lactic acid and polylactic acid technologies in which Dr. Melvin Pasaporte presented some updates. Dr.Pasaporte also toured Mr.Ang in the Lactic Acid Laboratory and the new location of the laboratory in CARIM phase 3. Mr.Ang became very interested in collaborating with the research team of Dr.Pasaporte. Phil-agro through Mr.Ang provided a sample of Cassava Pulp that they want to be developed into higher-value products. To initiate the collaboration, the Phil-agro submitted a signed letter of intent to TTBDO. The TTBDO research team conducted a research conceptualization of possible technology developments.

Today, September 4, 2023, The Phil-Agro visited TTBDO again to discuss partnership direction. It was agreed that both parties will focus on Glucose and Bioethanol production from cassava pulp. Phil-Agro is willing to provide the necessary support and resources for the research. As a way forward, the team will draft an agreement to realize the collaboration. It is hoped that the agreement will be signed by both parties within this year.

In addition, TTBDO also introduced the KIST Park project to Phil-Agro. A Preliminary Market sounding interview was conducted to solicit feedback regarding the project.