Cacao Culture Farms showed interest in the process of Fibrich Cookies

March 17, 2023 | TTBDO

FibriCH Sugar Cookies are a fiber-fortified snack made with cacao pod husk powder, a byproduct of cacao processing that is usually deemed as waste that is associated with environmental problems and sources of  agricultural diseases. This product is made of locally available materials and contributes to reaching the daily  recommended dietary fiber intake of 20-25g. 

FibriCH Sugar Cookies have been developed by UP Mindanao alumnus, Ms. Kristina Eloisa Verga, together with  Prof. Juma Novie A. Alviola of the Department of Food Science and Chemistry of UP Mindanao and Mr. Ken Reyes  Lao of Cacao Culture Farms, is also identified as a potential industry partner and/or technology adopter. 

Seeing the potential of the FibriCH Sugar Cookies, UP Mindanao Technology Transfer and Business Development  Office (TTBDO) invited the IP originators and potential industry partner and/or technology adopter to a product  demonstration and an exploratory meeting. The demonstration was led by Ms. Verga where she explained the  step-by-step process of making the product. Day 1 of the product demonstration included the production of cacao  pod husk powder while Day 2 involved the baking of the FibriCH Sugar Cookies.