Industry Exploration with Phil-Agro Industrial Corporation

Oct 4, 2023 | TTBDO

Last October 4, 2023, the TTBDO engaged in an industry exploration with Phil-Agro Industry Corporation.

During the visit, the Phil-Agro team, together with Sir. Alvin Ang, led our group on a comprehensive tour of their facility, providing step-by-step details on the operational aspects, from the extraction of cassava to starch production. the team also had the opportunity to meet the owners of Phil-Agro and engaged in a thorough discussion regarding the integration of cassava starch in the production process of Polylactic Acid (PLA) and explored potential partnership possibilities.

In the evening, Dr. Melvin Pasaporte delivered a presentation to Phil-Agro, elaborating on the PLA production process, market opportunities, and future plans. Phil-Agro will assess the PLA to determine where they can best leverage it based on market demand and the sustainability of the output product. An agreement will be signed soon as it will be a significant step forward in collaboration.

The collaboration from Phil-Agro is a big step towards PLA Technology. Stay tuned for the upcoming agreement as we move forward together.