The Invention Disclosure Incentive (IDI) is a grant awarded per invention, in milestone-based tranches, to the inventor who has completed the invention disclosure process to the Technology Transfer and Business Deveploment Office (TTBDO). The incentive grant was approved by the UP Board of Regents during its 1305th meeting on 29 January 2015.

The incentive is granted a total fixed amount of P40,000.00 awarded per invention, in milestone-based tranches. The incentive amount shall be released following the schedule below:

The grant of incentive is applicable only to patent application filed in the Philippines. Patent applications filed in other territories are encouraged when deemed necessary by the university Executive Committee; however, no additional incentive shall be granted for these applications. If the invention is a result of collaboration between multiple inventors from the university and outside entity, the incentive shall be shared by the collaborating inventors in accordance with the determination of their participation or contribution in the authorship or invention in accordance with the university’s IPR Policy.